New & Improved Features
- Modifications to the “Event Summary of Your Workspace” section now emphasize object changes allowing for a better overview of updates.
- Those invited to comment on a diagram can also elect to receive email updates of comments made to the diagram. The individual will receive a single email that includes the notifications for all diagrams and their respective changes. These individuals invited can also access the diagram via a link in the email.
Fixed Bugs
- When pasting an entry to an attribute field (such as a description) in QuickModel, the first entered letters do not copy into the field.
- When using the “create free space” function, the canvas does not enlarge automatically so the pools and lanes extend beyond the current view.
- In certain cases, process diagrams cannot be simulated even though there are no syntactic or semantic mistakes.
- The Microsoft Excel simulation report results do not apply the chosen currency.
- When copying diagram elements from one model to another in different browser tabs, pasting is not an option.
- In some cases, comments are not shown in the editor because of improperly encoded signs.
- Signavio archive does not import in every instance.
- If long phrases are used to describe “Risks and Controls” an error occasionally appears when creating the “Risks and Controls” report.
- In certain cases, deleting a random diagram element shifts the BPMN message flows in the diagram.
- There are times when larger diagrams are not arranged correctly in the PDF-Export and in the process documentation.
- The attribute “called element” of collapsed sub-processes on BPMN diagrams cannot be edited.
- When creating a new process from a collapsed sub-process and reusing the name, umlauts are not shown correctly.
- BPMN 2.0 Import/ Export:
- Task types (e.g. manual task) are not imported.
- End Error Events in embedded sub-processes are not exported correctly.
- When a BPMN 2.0 XML document does not contain the attribute “isHorizontal” (defines the modeling direction) the value “true” is falsely adopted.
- If a process diagram with linked sub-processes is exported, the elements “Lane” and “LaneSet” of the sub-processes are not included.