New / Improved Functions of the Signavio Platform
- A new modeling rule checks whether an element’s attribute value that is defined by the referenced dictionary entry has been overwritten by the modeler.
- In the Collaboration Portal’s dictionary panel, the display of long item titles has been improved. Descriptions were moved to the tooltips.
New / Improved Functions of the Signavio Process Editor
- Attribute visualization layers are now available for ArchiMate.
- Signavio now supports the latest version of CMMN (1.1). This feature is available on request.
- When adding additional elements to a Pool/Lane via the context menu, the length of all Pools is adjusted if necessary (idea 370 from the Ideas Portal).
New / Improved Functions of the Signavio Decision Manager
- It is now possible to change the order of entries in enumerations.
- The simulation computes outcomes for literal expressions even if some input values are still undefined.
Fixed Bugs
- In some cases, the Excel export in the BPMN Simulation cannot be triggered.
- In some cases, display errors occur when executing search queries in the dictionary.
- In some cases, formatted text attributes are not displayed correctly in the Collaboration Portal.
- In some cases, the overview and the activity section of the Collaboration Portal cannot be loaded.
- In some cases, dictionary entries are not displayed in the correct language in the Editor.
- In some cases, when closing the unaltered decision table of a DMN diagram, a warning might appear and claim the content of the decision table has changed.
- The reference overview of dictionary entries does not consider indirect references from other entries.