What the People Want: Signavio Product Documentation Survey

Written by Team SAP Signavio | 4 min read
Published on: July 19, 2019 - Last modified: November 25th, 2019
product documentation survey - five stars

Every month, thousands of our customers visit Signavio product documentation to learn more about the capabilities and features of the SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite. We work hard to make sure we deliver the best customer experience within the documentation, and we always like to know what you think! Read on for a guest post from our Technical Writing team, with details of our latest survey...

Who’s reading Signavio product documentation?

Signavio product documentation covers instructions and tutorials to help our customers achieve their goals using our products. Earlier this year, as part of our ongoing improvement efforts, we launched a survey to gain insights about our customers’ reading habits, and how they make use of our product documentation.

About 46% of our survey respondents hold specialized positions within the field of business process management, with a quarter of these identifying as Process Managers. (We’ve also found Process Engineers and Process Designers among the job titles.) About 14% of the respondents consult their own or other companies in designing their business processes. Almost all respondents have experience using SAP Signavio Process Manager.

They’re also happy to make use of the powerful array of tools within the SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite, with about 77% combining SAP Signavio Process Manager with SAP Signavio Collaboration Hub. 46% of the respondents use Signavio Process Governance as well as SAP Signavio Process Manager, and a smaller percentage of respondents combine SAP Signavio Process Manager with SAP Signavio Process Intelligence to build their process mining capabilities.

What do our customers actually read?

Signavio Product Documentation Survey blog chart 1

The user guides are the most popular guides in the Signavio product documentation, with 87% of the respondents referring to them frequently. About 63% of our respondents said they read the documentation in English, 34% read it in German, and 3% in one of the other available languages. More than half of the respondents (62%) would rather read the online help than the PDF versions.

How often do our customers visit the Signavio product documentation?

Signavio Product Documentation Survey blog chart 2

Our customers visit the documentation site on a regular basis. A minority of our respondents said they visit the documentation site daily, rising to 11% visiting at least a few times a week. The majority of respondents access the Signavio product documentation a few times a month. There were also a few people visiting for the first time; we’re sure they’ll be back!

Where do our customers go for help?

When our respondents are faced with a product challenge, their initial response is to solve the challenge by themselves. When the challenge can’t be solved on their own, our respondents consult the Signavio product documentation. When our respondents can’t find the answers in the guides, they read the Signavio knowledge base before contacting Signavio customer support. Asking Google or a co-worker for help are their least preferred options.

What is missing in the Signavio product documentation?

We asked our customers to vote for an information product they would like to see in the Signavio product documentation.

Signavio Product Documentation Survey blog chart 3

Nearly 70% of our respondents voted for best practice articles, guidelines, or information. Best practice guides in this context are practical, specific distilled knowledge sources for process-related topics, such as designing and modeling processes with SAP Signavio Process Manager, or how to most efficiently automate processes using Signavio Process Governance.

About 50% of our respondents also asked for video tutorials. Signavio produces a range of videos already, so this may well be a useful addition to consider. In any event, we’ve already started working to turn your feedback into action, and we expect to start writing technical best practice guides for Signavio Process Governance and SAP Signavio Process Manager very soon.

Next steps

Our respondents agree that Signavio product documentation helps them to achieve their goals, and that it is accurate and easy to understand. A big thanks to anyone who has responded to this survey, or provided their thoughts in another way.

Of course, we are constantly striving to optimize, and we will use the feedback our customers have provided to improve our product documentation options. Stay tuned to the blog for more information as it is released.

If you would like to talk to members of the Signavio product documentation team directly, you can simply send an email to documentation@signavio.com In the meantime, if you’d like to get started with the SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite and see what the product documentation is talking about, why not sign up for a free 30-day trial today?

Published on: July 19, 2019 - Last modified: November 25th, 2019