Signavio by the Numbers

Written by Team SAP Signavio | 2 min read
Published on: June 9, 2017 - Last modified: February 19th, 2018
Signvaio by the numbers

Did you know that Signavio has over one million people around the world accessing and using the information created by over 100,000 users of our tools? This information is generated by users in over 1,000 organizations that span more than 62 countries.

User Trends

That’s a lot of numbers. But it got us thinking – what do all those people do with our products? So, we started taking a look at the data and learned some surprising facts about our product users.

One of the coolest features of our products is the collaborative design. You can model processes and show them off to colleagues or partners just by sending them an invitation to review your work. The best part is that they don’t need a subscription to view and add comments. We found that 48.89% of all comments are created via invitation link.

While most comments are related to BPMN process diagrams, Signavio users are most enthusiastic when discussing organizational structures.


pie chart: number of comments in Signavio It would also appear that people take advantage of the ability to revise their own and other's work. Signavio SaaS customers (within Germany) use 782,455 BPMN 2.0 models, with an average of 3.68 revisions. And 10.15% of customers and trial users have models that are younger than 66 days.

During an average week, SaaS modelers created 26,506 model revisions, while 1,635 models were published. Non-trial users increased the number of model revisions by a factor of 1.69 within the last year.

The most active SaaS modeler in Germany created 46,334 revisions. That’s a lot of revisions!

Most models are produced on Wednesdays and published on Thursdays. But somewhat surprisingly, Sundays showed a fair amount of models being published as well.


bar chart: model creation activities by weekday



bar chart: published models by weekday





And finally, it would seem that our customers enjoy customizing our products to suit their needs and create a single source of knowledge for their employees. Over 86% of our customers have defined items in their glossary.

We think these numbers are impressive and we’re excited to see how our customers are using Signavio products and features.



Published on: June 9, 2017 - Last modified: February 19th, 2018
Topics: Signavio