Leveraging processes for successful quality management

Written by Team SAP Signavio | 2 min read
Published on: July 16, 2019 - Last modified: November 13th, 2020
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Quality management is focused not only on product or service quality, but also on how the final outcome is achieved. It includes all actions taken to improve the quality of products or services, especially quality assurance and control of processes. Clearly, process management is a natural fit!

Successful quality management in practice

When we talk about successful quality management, we are really discussing the systems which underpin the idea of achieving consistent high quality. After all, without the organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality management, it remains merely a theory.

Systems like Total Quality Management (TQM), Lean or Six Sigma can be effective for different organizations in different contexts, and the best thing is, effective process management software works with any and all of them. To find out more about the best methodology for your needs, you can check out Signavio’s handy guide to effective operational excellence in a climate of constant change.

Leveraging processes for successful quality management

Whichever of the quality management approaches you select, to most people, the inherent relationship between improved process and improved quality is a given. The direct relationship is true for product development, manufacturing or service delivery. Furthermore, without well-defined processes, measurement is difficult, if not altogether impossible.

As anyone who has been involved in a successful quality improvement effort knows, the ability to measure is key to understanding where to focus process improvement efforts. The current result (e.g. cycle time) may be obvious, but it is difficult to know where to measure if the corresponding processes aren’t well defined. Process definition is one area where a collaborative process modeling software solution adds significant value to any quality improvement initiative.

To take just one example, the international ISO9001 standard requires the performance of processes be measured, analyzed and continually improved, and the results of this be used as an input into the management review process. That’s where a tool like SAP Signavio Process Manager comes in, providing a simple and powerful way to visualize and review your business processes. You can’t improve what you can’t see!

Collaborative quality management = successful quality management

Creating well-defined process models and documentation mean more employees can contribute to improving the processes they are engaged in; engaging as wide a group of employees as possible in understanding and contributing to your organization’s process framework means your process models and documentation will be more detailed and useful. It’s a wonderful cycle of improvement, resulting in more efficient processes, which in turn improve customer satisfaction and business performance.

In the same way, employees can and should be engaged in your quality management initiatives. Knowing the standards for success, and understanding how their work contributes to achieving those standards, can be a powerful motivator, and can make the difference between a quality management system that is widely accepted, and one that is met with indifference or hostility.

The ability to generate a process narrative according to a document template defined by your enterprise whenever a process is modified, helps everyone understand and align with the changes. Accessing these documents through a single source of truth like the SAP Signavio Collaboration Hub makes complying with your quality management requirements straightforward, no matter which methodology you choose.

Next steps

If you’re interested in learning more about how process management can help keep the focus on quality, read our guide to process management in global healthcare—it’s certainly an area where quality counts! If you’re keen to take the next steps on your own quality management journey today, why not sign up for a free 30-day trial and see how Signavio can help.

Published on: July 16, 2019 - Last modified: November 13th, 2020