The Signavio A-Z is your key to definitions and common questions related to business process management. Here you will find all process management terms for the letter I:

internal controlling system



Also known as IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service is a type of cloud computing where customers are provided with standardized and automated computing resources that are owned, hosted, and maintainted by a service prodier. IaaS is one of the three main cloud computing services; the other two are PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service).


internal controlling system

An internal controlling system helps to identify and sustainably reduce risks in business processes. The controls can be implemented following an internal review in which processes are examined. Alternatively organizations can implement a controlling system as a preventative measure independent of processes.

Who needs an internal controlling system?

An internal controlling system is important for all organizations who wish to secure the standardization of regulations and who want to reduce risks. Banks, Insurers, as well as other companies are required by law to implement an internal controlling system.

How can you implement an internal controlling system?

If you implement an internal controlling system, risks will not only be identified early on but in some cases avoided altogether. Certain process management tools give you the chance to attach certain risks and their controls to the individual process steps during process modeling. All employees who are involved in the process are informed at every point and can therefore act accordingly. You can read more about internal controlling systems on our website.