The Signavio A-Z is your key to definitions and common questions related to business process management. Here you will find all process management terms for the letter N:




What is Notation?

The term Notation refers to the modeling language. Dependent on whether you are documenting business processes, enterprise architecture or interfaces, there are different types of notation. The standard for Process Management is Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). This was adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG) in 2001. Further notations include CMMN for case management and Archimate for the description of Enterprise Architecture.

What benefits can be gained from BPMN?

As a standard for process modeling, BPMN can be used across various software solutions. Process diagrams can thus be imported and exported with ease. This makes it easily understood for beginners.  Many software solutions for the execution of processes are connected to BPMN, making the standard an appropriate foundation.

In process management this notation has long been the common standard. As it runs linearly from left to right, it encourages the comprehensibility of process diagrams. It also provides intuitive usability and can therefore be used by beginners.