New / Improved Functions
Fixed Bugs
- Newly invited users with a Hub license and no group are no longer granted individual access rights to the process documentation templates.
- When generating a job profile report from the Dictionary, the resulting report would always be blank.
- The location of descriptions on BPMN gateways and outgoing sequence flows were not always at the location set by the user when opening a model.
- Previously defined decision logic was not preserved when canceling a linking operation for a DMN decision.
- Events in the recent changes list on the Collaboration Hub homepage were duplicated.
- Default values for custom attributes were not displayed properly in the 'Define notations/attributes' dialogue.
- The publish date would change when moving published models to another folder.
- When selecting the option to log in to Signavio Process Governance with a SAP Signavio Process Manager account, the user is redirected to Collaboration Hub instead of Process Governance.
- Users with a Hub license could not create or print PDF files, see published files, or comment on published models.
- Diagrams could not be saved if the Internet connection was interrupted.
- Migrating row-based (horizontal) EPCs to BPMN resulted a messed up layout.
- When logging in, an error message was displayed if a user's password did not fit the requirements. Now, users will be brought instead to the password change page.
- It was impossible to change the model title in the save dialogue when the modeling guideline check was running.
- It was impossible to merge dictionary entries with the same name.
- Authentication with SHA-1 certificates is now disabled.